Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Wednesday Stuff

Gosh, Ken Starr goes down over a sex scandal (here) – can you say KARMA??!! (good point about why HRC would keep a personal server, to keep all of the crap out of public view that have nothing to do with how to do your job)...

…and it looks like the Verizon workers actually won in their walkout – kudos; in case anybody out there still wonders whether or not it matters if a Democrat wins the White House in November (not sure how that could be true, but you never know), they should pay attention to this story…

…and if Verizon had had its way without the workforce standing up, then they likely would have pulled the same nonsense that KKR pulled here, as Lewis Black tells us from 6/2/2008; yep, time once more for “This Day In Doomsy History” (I don’t think the URL at the end of the video is active any more, though)…

...and I can't resist having the reaction to the first video that's the same title as this tune.

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