Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday Stuff

Rachel Maddow talks with historian Michael Beschloss about the line from aviator and anti-Semite Charles Lindbergh to Pat Buchanan to Donald Trump on the “America First” movement (and based on what she says here, I can’t say much about her choice of friends)…

…and I’m sorry (well, actually not); believe me when I tell you that I’m interested in an intelligent discussion on all manner of issues, but as far as I’m concerned, there is never an excuse for flag desecration (though firing people from their jobs over it is more than a bit of an overreaction, unless they work for, say, the National Park Service or a high-profile public sector job, the type Republicans hate)…

…and who thought that this could end up as the ultimate revenge for Citizens United? (funny, actually - NSFW)...

..and RIP Les Waas – here’s a tune in his honor.

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