Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Stuff

I don’t think either one of these “money guys” from the Murdoch Street Journal are necessarily political; I think they’re just sticking to their fields of expertise here when it comes to forecasting what we could be looking at economically in 2016 – I still thought this was an interesting segment…

…and sticking with the economy, I thought this was a good segment on how the GOP presidential candidates pretend to care about poverty; this is actually an abbreviation of a longer clip at MSNBC’s wretched web site…

Update 1/12/16: Uh, yep.

…and RIP David Bowie – still in utter shock like just about everyone else I guess; in keeping with the example of George Harrison, Warren Zevon and probably more than a few others, he managed to complete his final recording before he left us; so much great music to choose from, but I liked this tune in particular, which actually is a cover originally performed by Johnny Mathis, believe it or not (David Live at the Tower Theater is a landmark performance, and “Serious Moonlight,” IMHO, is one of the greatest concert recordings of all time - I personally preferred the "thin white duke" phase as opposed to Ziggy Stardust)…

...though that doesn't mean he didn't make great music during the whole glam-rock thing too, like this.

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