Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday Stuff

RIP Yogi Berra - if you ever want to get an idea of just how good a player he was and how important he was to those championship New York Yankees teams, look up the "Ken Burns: Baseball" series and try to view the segment called "My Man," where Yankees manager Casey Stengel (no stranger to malapropisms either) talked about Berra - this video features many of his highlights (more here)...

…and yeah, I think Cenk nailed this on the Pope a little while ago - typical for thw wingnuts…

…and I probably should have found a way to include this yesterday, but we learn about Fr. Greg Boyle helping ex-cons register to vote in California in the following video; once again, Al Jazeera America reports a story ignored by our corporate media…

…and I’m in the mood for something a little different musically…something in red, maybe?

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