Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Stuff

I could do without Jack Black’s homage to Sting at the very end, but otherwise, I think this is a good ad about the Iran nuke deal (seeing as how the deal is being universally panned in our corporate media, of course, they being the "pay no price, bear no burden" bunch that they are)...

...and Chris Hayes had a really good report with a reporter from Vice News about this horrific story today, but of course the video is unavailable from that "liberal" network MSNBC - give me a break...

...but speaking of the "All In" host, I’ve been avoiding this story because I’m been so utterly repulsed by it - looks like this self-entitled idiot may stand trial in Zimbabwe for it, though, as noted here - good...

...and once more, Jimmy Dore makes this "Young Turks" clip with the theme of "your parents had it better than you" NSFW, but he does make good points (but watch it on the nurses comment)...

...and oh yeah, about those "secret" meetings between Obama and Jon Stewart here (once more, give me a break - loved the "Seventh Seal" stuff)...

...and actually, it looks more yellow in these parts also (here), but here's a tune for the occasion anyway (here).

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