Saturday, June 06, 2015

Saturday Stuff

At first I thought, oh great, here's Bill Maher bashing religion again here...but as is just about always the case, his criticisms are spot-on (NSFW)...

...and switching the mood big time, as horrible as this is, and it is that, if Hastert were a Democrat, this story would be bigger than Caitlyn Jenner, though I'll admit it is somewhat big at the moment (and as usual, Charles Pierce cuts to the chase – and yes, it's true that silence isn't necessarily an admission of guilt by itself)...

...and oh yeah, let's not forget that our military is still in harm's way, OK? Where are all the “Support Our Troops” bumper stickers NOW??...

...and I had another selection in mind for today, but on second thought, like last night's George Carlin clip, I think this also needs to be repeated every so often, particularly with the prior clip in mind.

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