Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Tuesday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

Torture is a war crime. Those who engage in it and authorize it should be prosecuted. Period - full stop...

...and yeah, I would say it's long past time for this also...

…and Thom Hartmann asks a really hard question, with what I think is an even harder answer (here)…

…and yeah, isn’t it just too precious that A COMEDIAN (and quite an accomplished filmmaker also, apparently) is held to a higher standard of proof than the media wing of the Republican Party, which ostensibly passes itself off as a news organization (here)?

Nope, you’re never supposed to question the police, you filthy unkempt liberal. Shut up and clap louder…

...and turning to the seasonal stuff, I give you this...

...and this.

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