Saturday, April 05, 2014

Saturday Stuff

Yeah, I realize it’s not Bill Maher’s job to come up with answers, but he sure does manage to articulate the issue here (NSFW)…

…and as long as that idiot Jerry Moran read that Op-Ed from Chuckie Koch on the Senate floor (here), I think Sam Seder and crew are allowed to present their version of it…

…and I can hardly wait to hear that toad John Lott’s attempt at an explanation for this, though I realize that the more important takeaway is Maddow's well-made point about our veterans…

…and Kurt Cobain left us 20 years ago today – sorry if this is impolite, but his suicide was stupid and it points out, among other things, that we need to do a better job of providing mental health services, to say nothing of drug treatment, in this country…doesn’t detract from what I believe was Cobain’s genius, though.

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