Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Stuff

Good job by Bill Maher to remind the Dems, in point-blank fashion, what they should be doing (of course, it’s kind of sad that they need to be told – here…and I LOVE the defense of Jimmy Carter)…

…and as usual, “Man Tan” Boehner and that sleazy weasel Eric Cantor are putting it to the economy once again (jumpin’ Jesus on a pogo stick, people, how many times do you have to get whacked over the head by these clowns before you vote them back to permanent minority status??!!)…

…and I thought this was a well-done report by David Martin of CBS Sunday Morning about a stage play featuring Bryan Cranston of “Breaking Bad” (never saw the show, but I heard it was good)…

…and since March is Women’s Month in this country, or something, I guess I’d better hurry up and include this video.

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