Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

Sorry, but I really don’t care a lot about a certain speech tonight – I care about how real people are affected by real decisions by real (and often, real bad) politicians, and Rachel Maddow tells us here about the two cretins primarily responsible for our sorry political state in this country (nice touch of controlled outrage at the end as far as I’m concerned, which is totally justified)…

…and leave it to Jon Stewart to give Sean Inanity the treatment he deserves for being the petty, whining little brat that he is when all is said and done (here)…

Update 1/29/14: Just go already, Sean, you dirt bag (here).

…and RIP Pete Seeger – I thought this was a fitting remembrance also…

…and I liked this selection in particular because it showed his ability to involve his audience – God rest him.

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