Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday Stuff

(I’ll probably get back to the Repug congressional countdown tomorrow – I’ve only got five left, and I want to be deliberate.)

From the usually reliable Joe Nocera, I give you this today, on the subject of Willard Mitt Romney’s tax returns (aside from the disgusting meme of “even though Paul Ryan is a shameless, craven ideologue, he’s somehow ‘serious,’ so now we can have a ‘discussion’ on money matters”)…
Ever since the campaign entered the postprimary, preconvention phase, with the two candidates turning their attention to each other, it has been a depressing spectacle. The Democrats have demanded that Romney release more of his tax returns — though we already know all we need to know. (Like every wealthy businessman, Romney works hard to minimize his taxes.)
Really? So, should we just “trust our leaders,” then, “Britney” Nocera (more here)?

Nocera is a pro – I definitely expected better from him than something like this.

As somebody said (I think it was Atrios), the issue of Romney’s taxes really isn’t about the money anyway. It’s a question of judgment. What does it say about Romney that he thinks it’s OK to run for the most important job in the world and not come completely clean on this subject like many other politicians, including his father? Just how much “to the manor born” does Romney think he is (though we’re finding out the answer more and more every day)?

Well anyway, this clip goes out to Nocera, who I’m sure will do much better work in the future…

…and here’s a tune that we can rage with as the days of summer wind down.

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