Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday Stuff

See all the fun Mikey The Beloved is missing with his chicken "E-Town Halls" and phone calls? And by the way, Rachel Maddow connects the dots brilliantly here...

...however, I don't believe she included this (Ben Quayle is, of course, a typical Repug stooge - I see the apple doesn't fall far from the proverbial tree)...

Update 5/18/11: God, I hope Alan Grayson is girding for a rematch against this clown.

...and silly Rachel, it's just the "conventional wisdom" that Democrats/liberals/progressives or whatever should only be reported on when there's a scandal or John Edwards is combing his hair, or something (and oh noes, look over there GEORGE SOROS DEATH PANELS TICKING DEBT TIME BOMB UNSUSTAINABLE MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY and of course ACORN PLANNED PARENTHOOD ACORN PLANNED PARENTHOOD PHILADELPHIA SCARY NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY "SCANDAL"!!!!)...

...and as long as Darrell Issa felt like resurrecting Iran-Contra earlier, the least I can do is put this up in response (J.B. composed some great what-I-guess-you-would-call "protest" music in the '80s, including this tune).

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