Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Stuff

Uh, yep...

(And by the way, for the record, I was a bit hasty in judging Lawrence O'Donnell on Friday - he had some good stuff tonight on guns and an extended interview with Glenn Greenwald.)

...meanwhile, thank God these characters haven't been in charge of this country for very long relative to our country's history - if they were calling the shots in the last century, we'd probably still be on the gold standard, and forget the New Deal of course, as well as the postwar boom, the interstate highway system, moon missions, Social Security and Medicare of course, the Internet, clean air, clean water, etc., etc (here)...

...and by the way, "with all due respect to our Repug friends"...kiss my ass; it would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic when you consider what these clowns did earlier in the prior decade (again, they're suddenly spendthrifts after they got their stinking tax cuts - and the reason Obama and co. have been spending is because the private sector won't...screw you, Cantor, and this "uncertainty" crap)...

...on a happier note, happy 70th to Aaron Neville...

...and oh yeah, to this guy also.

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