Friday, November 06, 2009

Friday Stuff

Man, is Tancredo a WATB or what? Kudos to Markos Moulitsas for responding to his BS with some truth...

...and I think Jon Stewart should get an Emmy, or a cable ACE award, or something, for this sendup of Glenn Beck (speaking of WATBs - love the pic of Che Guevara on the blackboard for no apparent reason)...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The 11/3 Project
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

..."Worst Persons" (Alan West running for Florida's 22nd District seat in the U.S. Congress starts making up what are basically racist excuses for the Fort Hood shooter - actually, I'd heard that World Nut Daily "reported" that Maj. Hassan was an Obama advisor, but when that lie was exploded, Fix Noise claimed that the shooter was mad at Obama for not ending the Iraq war earlier, though I have no video at the moment...the media wing of the Repug Party strikes again; speaking of which, Gretchen Carlson, Brian Kilmeade and Pete Johnson of the Roger Ailes Network come up with more excuses on Hassan, including "political correctness" over not screening him as a scary Muslim or something - um, wonder if these androids know that Dubya is no longer president and that BS basically doesn't fly any more; but Tom Kennif of the JAG office takes it for deciding to call out a member of our military as to whether or not that person had served in Iraq and supposedly knew as much as he did - the problem for Kennif is that the person he called out was Specialist Shoshana Johnson...a "JAG-off" indeed)...

...and between the elections and the result of the World Series, this has been one crappy week for your humble narrator, and here's something a bit mellow to end it (the paintings are from J.M.W. Turner, whose portrait appears at the every end).

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