Monday, October 05, 2009

Monday Stuff

"When," indeed...

...and as I watch this, I realize once more what a pathetic life form Sen. Blanche Lincoln truly is...

..."Worst Persons" (George Will still denies climate science - maybe he'll start to find a clue when the Potomac just about dries up into a pond, but I'm not counting on it; Flush Limbore claims that Obama lost out at Copenhagen because ACORN couldn't stuff the ballot boxes, or something (I've noticed that radio station WPHT in these parts is advertising ol' Flush a lot more these days - I hear the ads during the Phillies' games...maybe his audience is either dying off more than they thought or dumping him in droves due to the drug-infused balderdash he keeps spewing); but Repug U.S. House Rep Paul Broun of Georgia gets the nod here for a variation on the Dubya-stated theme that "Everyone already has health care in this country. You can just go to the emergency room." when one of his constituents tries to communicate his struggles with depression - the takeaway here for yours truly is someone from the audience calling out for the public option...wonder how much play THAT will get on the news networks with initials for names?)...

...and any band that disses Glenn Beck certainly deserves a video link, I always say.

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