Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wednesday Stuff

I once was amused by "Mouthpiece Theater" and actually embedded a Milbank/Cillizza vid, but I quickly realized that I wasn't drinking enough and mended my ways (h/t Atrios)...

...and yep, I don't know how the hell we're supposed to reason with people who hang other politicians they disagree with in effigy - more here...

...and this tells us what we can do about it...

...and if you're as sick of Arlen Specter's double talk as I am (on display here), click here to do something about that also (last three vids courtesy of The Daily Kos)...

..."Still Bushed" (I have a feeling this segment might go on for the rest of our lives...K.O. tells us the pathetic story of Rachel Paulose, a Bushco U.S. Attorney whose sole apparent qualification was that she is a friend of Monica Goodling, a grad of Pat Robertson's law school - please - in charge of hiring for the Justice Department; at least eight former Dubya staffers are running for office and running also, as far as they can, from their previous employer; and finally, we learn of how our government bribed foreign nationals to provide false witness against Mohammed Jawad, a GITMO detainee who, thus far, has been successful in prosecuting his case, very much unlike the Bushco savages who, as we know, have no apparent familiarity with the rule of law)...

...and as a tribute to screenwriter Budd Schulberg, here is probably the most famous scene from his most famous screenplay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been reading the opinions on the courier times online in reply to letters, and blogs, etc, and there are some scary people out there. Of course some of them could actually be a group writing as one person but the mantra is the same. There is no debate much less an honest one.
The lies are atrocious, and no amount of fact presented will change anything. This is not just about opposing health care reform.

This is about taking down President Obama. These nuts have never gotten over his election and they are bitter.
If they had any guts they would say what they are really thinking.
They are furious that a black man got elected. Of course using their vernacular would require using the "n" word because that is what it really is all about. There is no doubt in my mind they are all angry that a "n" got elected. They can hide behind issues, but the truth is becoming evident, like cream it eventually rises to the surface.

A pox on all their houses.

Shame on those who verbally assaulted Congressman Murphy and denied those who were really there to ask honest questions the right to exercise their free speech.