Thursday, August 06, 2009

Thursday Stuff

I couldn't quite finish what I was working on today, but I did manage to post here.

And congratulations to newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor (here); this is dedicated to the "No" voters...

And good for Rick Sanchez here (and yes, Rick Scott is, in fact, a gutteral weasel)...

..."Worst Persons" with K.O., who has really been turning over some pretty putrid Blackwater rocks lately, by the way (oh, excuse me - I mean "Xe": first, Lou Dobbs continues to cling to this fantasy that it's the Dems engaged in "thuggery" to promote Obama, even though I don't see any of them disrupting town hall meetings and spewing RNC-approved talking points...God, not only is this man disintegrating before our eyes, but so are his ratings; actually, the Obama smear ties into Flush Limbore's tired, sick bloviation about Obama being akin to Hitler - yeah, when No. 44 declares an illegal war and does everything in his power to shred the Constitution, let me know, OK?; but Arthur Laffer, he of the "Laffer Curve," which supposedly gave economic cover to the supply-side neocons...and we know how beautifully their plan turned out, right?...forgets that Medicare and Medicaid are actually run by our government...I can understand a "teabagger" not knowing that - those people count with their fingers and toes - but this guy is supposed to be an esteemed academic...supposed to be)...

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...and in tribute to John Hughes, I present this (somehow, I'm sure we won't forget him...from "The Breakfast Club" of course).

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