Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Stuff

Rachel Maddow (from yesterday) reports on Bushco's secret prisons, featuring "Dusty" Foggo, Brent Wilkes, and a veritable cavalcade of bottom-feeders (and more revelations about FreedomWorks and some outfit called DLA Piper...Rachel explains, and sums up nicely at the end)...

...and the health care hypocrisy of Glenn Beck is on full display here (kudos to Travelocity for this, and if anyone else wants to bail on Beck or Fix Noise, click here - click here once more for the facts)...

...and for all you town hall-disrupting, Dick-Armey-and-Rick-Scott sponsored, "teabaggin'" idiots out there, this one's for you...

...and finally, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Woodstock tomorrow, here's "Soul Sacrifice" by Santana (I've put this up a few times I know, but it always knocks me out, and as a YouTube commenter notes, drummer Michael Shrieve was only 19 at the time of this performance).

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