Thursday, July 09, 2009

Thursday Stuff

I agree with Cenk of course, but I can assure you that the people of the Valley Swim Club who are responsible for this mess feel very little embarrassment (K.O. named John Duesler tonight as a Worst Person, but to be honest, I think he looks like nothing more than a naive chump here)...

Update 7/12/09: I grudgingly give the swim club credit for doing the right thing here - we'll see.

...and by the way, I've had a bunch of disagreements with Repug Sen. Charles Grassley, but boy was he spot-on here, particularly considering this...

...also, with all of the words recently written with the passing of former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, it's easy to forget about another one to, to me, is demonstrably more vile, and it's this guy - happy birthday, you cretin (here is a fitting remembrance, particulaly in light of this)...

...and oh yeah, I thought this was catchy (YouTube, by the way, is saying they're going to stop supporting IE 6, which is an old, crappy MS browser I know, but it's what I'm running, and I have no intention of trying to upgrade to a new, crappy MS browser, or to go through the pain of converting to anything else - basically, it's buh-bye to the vids if YT does that except for MSNBC, just to let you know).

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