Monday, July 06, 2009

Monday Stuff

Well, it's nice that Robert McNamara finally realized his mistakes in Vietnam (as he acknowledges in this C-SPAN interview with Brian Lamb), at least 30 years too late, though (and by the way, this story is true)...

Update 7/7/09: Here are more "fond recollections" with Joe Galloway, and a better retelling of the Martha's Vineyard Ferry story.

..."Worst Persons" (John Boehner decries the lack of "shovel-ready" stimulus projects, except the ones in his state of course; Flush Limbore proposes an armed insurrection against our government by Honduran rebels...uh, isn't that, like, incredibly illegal?; but the Duval County, FL Repug Party and their teabaggin' pals take it for more Obama-Hitler comparisons - ugh)...

...I don't know if Allen Klein deserves a tribute song or not, but if one fit, I think this would be it...

...and oh yeah, time to rock...

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