Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday Stuff

The "money quote," if you will, comes at about 1:06 when Eichelberger says that "we're allowing (gays, lesbians, LGBT individuals) to exist" (hat tip to Michael Morrill at Keystone Progress for this - he's been all over this like the proverbial white on rice)...

...and in addition to the crackdown on protests in Iran and the D.C. transit tragedy, this would be the other "big story" (let's see now, Eliot Spitzer, a Democratic governor, has an affair and resigns, but Mark Sanford, a Repug governor, has an affair and...???)...

Update 6/25/09: I forgot to note that there's more stuff on Sanford here (and he may even go to the pokey over it? Man, that's harsh! His only "out," then, is that he "did the deed" south of the border).

..."Worst Persons" (three real loons tonight - first, Texas Repug U.S. Congressman Randy Neugebauer signs onto the "Obama birth certificate" fiction that even World Nut Daily blew apart; then, Joyce E. Thomann, President of the Republican Women of Anne Arundel County, MD, cuts right to the chase, as it were, and compares Obama to Hitler; but Missouri State Rep Cynthia Davis is the worthy victim of an epic takedown by K.O. - I'm not even going to try and paraphrase...this woman is a truly wretched human being)...

...and by the way, this song is 30 years old as of yesterday (kind of reminds me of this post...please just ignore Robert, if you would).

1 comment:

doomsy said...

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