Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday Stuff

Sorry I missed Afghan Exit Action Day yesterday...

...and kudos to Media Matters for calling out this hateful loon; the problem, of course, is that there's no telling what he might incite his lizard-brained listeners into doing as a result...

...and then, as we know, two famous celebrity passings took place that took center stage in the media spotlight; this was the first (would you believe me if I told you that I wasn't a fan of the show? I always thought she deserved credit for "The Burning Bed," which was a gutsy choice of a role)...

...and this was the second, of course (yes, we know what he probably was and what he probably did, but he has to make an accounting for himself now as we all will one day - this was my favorite song from him).

Update 6/26/09: Just "beat it," JR (heh).

Update 6/30/09: Here is an opposing viewpoint on Jackson that I should have noted earlier.

And by the way, I'll bet this guy is kvetching somewhere in the great beyond because his own exit was overshadowed - thanks for keeping it real, Irv.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He did keep it real. And what an exit, talking into a mic in front of a large audience.
He taught me to look for the hook in a news story.
Irv always asked a question about the constitution that he personally never gave his own answer to. He asked it many times over the years.
Is it a Liberal or Conservative document?
I was planning to call him and ask him to give his answer and now its too late.
I think it is a trick question and I wanted to discuss it with him.
I will miss him.