Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

"Worst Persons" (Sen. Judd Gregg complains about plaques for stimulus projects, forgetting of course that he has commemorations like that for himself featured prominently in his home state; Baby Newton Leroy shills for coal - not much more to say about his nonsense aside from that; and believe it or not, there are MORE "Downing Street" revelations about the runup to the Iraq war with Dubya, who gets the nod here - I can't understand why he didn't just purchase the Goodyear Blimp since it's a big, slow-moving target, have it rebranded with a sign that said, "Bring It On, Saddam," and then let history run its course...I suppose there is no literal Farsi or Arabic translation for "Gulf of Tonkin")...

...and "Where In The World Is Mark Sanford" anyway (trying to lighten things up a bit after the first video)...

...time for some happenin' indie stuff...

...and RIP, Ed McMahon.

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