Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday Stuff

Boy, is Ed Schultz right here; I contacted Casey and Specter earlier, but thus far, no response; I'll keep you posted (h/t The Daily Kos - to find out who your senator is so you can do what must be done, click here)...

Update 6/25/09: I heard back from Bob Casey earlier, and he supports a public option. Go Bob!

Update 6/26/09: I know this is driven solely by politics (Specter's numbers are in a nose dive), but kudos to him for doing the right thing anyway.

..."Worst Persons" (the staffer for Repug State Senator Diane Black of TN, Sherri Goforth, forwards an incredibly offensive presidential portrait with two white eyes against a black background only for Obama, with Black giving Goforth the proverbial beating with a wet noodle as punishment - yep, good for Keith to take advantage of an opportunity for a really bad pun...and by the way, wingnuts, I heard a hue and cry over the Emerge Magazine cover of Clarence Thomas as a lawn jockey, which actually was appropriate, but not a peep from you over this; Karl Rove laments ABC's coverage of Obama next week...oh for God's sake, stop being such a WATB!; but Charles Krauthammer wins it for manufacturing an alleged "quote" from Obama concerning Fix Noise...God, and this war-porn-cheerleading Beltway hack - who may have had something to do with Dan Froomkin losing his job, though I hasten to add that a lot is still "up in the air" on that - is published EVERYWHERE!)...

Update 6/19/09: More from Jane H. on Froomkin here (h/t Atrios) well as appropriately tongue-in-cheek remarks by kos here.

...and even though this song is a little uncomfortably biographical, I still thought it was neat...

...and RIP, Bob Bogle of The Ventures.

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