Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Wednesday Stuff

Another questionable posting day tomorrow, by the way...

Yep, I would say this is the treatment that Glenn Beck deserves, the self-appointed spokesperson for every right-wing crybaby in this country (along with Joe The Plumber, Rick Santorum, Christine Flowers, Kevin Ferris, Charles Krauthammer, George Will, assorted letter and Guest Opinion writers to the Bucks County Courier Times, the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, etc., etc.)...

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The 10/31 Project
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorNASA Name Contest

...and I wish this were an April Fools joke, but alas...

Update 4/3/09: Kudos to MoveOn for this (h/t The Daily Kos).

...and to his great credit, filmmaker Robert Greenwald makes a hell of a lot of sense on Afghanistan (more here)...

...and here's a song for the day by "The King" (I'll get back to the alternative/indie rock stuff, I promise).

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