Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday Stuff

Remember this ridiculous ad for that Mississippi scumwaffle Roger Wicker?...

...well, here's the response (and to do something about it, click here).

...and sorry, "Governor Gidget," but the Vice President is NOT in charge of the Senate; as Kagro X tells us here, "the Vice President may sit as the presiding officer of the Senate, but has no legislative role whatsoever, with the exception of casting tie-breaking votes if the Senate is deadlocked. There's no "get[tin'] in there with the Senators and mak[in'] a lot of good policy changes." Which is why modern Vice Presidents hardly ever bother to take the chair on more than a few ceremonial occasions.

Thanks for playing our game - here are some lovely parting gifts...

...and as long as this is in the news again, maybe these guys will get another one too?...

..."Worst Persons" (God, I missed this item with Dana Perino denying the recession AGAIN!, but fortunately K.O. caught it, and I'm SO GLAD Sean Inanity didn't accuse Obama of selling drugs, aren't you - however, Rupert takes the prize for an imaginary story on Michelle Obama...all together now - aaarrrggghhh!)...

...Green Day ("Give Me Novacaine"; I'll need it after this election).

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