Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our Bucks County, PA Tax Dollars At Work

This is another item that has fallen through the cracks (heavily into non-blogging mode and trying to squeeze in what I can for a few more days), but I want to get to it now.

This link to a recent “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” segment in the Courier Times tells us that county Chief Operations Officer David Sanko recently locked new supervisor Diane Marseglia out of the county commissioners’ offices because Diane was guilty of a “security breach” by giving a reporter the combination to the office suite; Sanko had the lock changed as a result but neglected to tell her.

Drat, that pesky government accountability again!

And from the same link, fellow Commissioner Jim Cawley told a group of people gathered in Bristol, Pa. recently that “county money pegged for a three-hole golf course and driving range can be spent only for recreational purposes.” Diane said that that was wrong according to Guy Matthews, the county solicitor, though Matthews subsequently wrote to the Courier Times in defense of Cawley (figures).

Most of the Bristol residents, though, favor a skate park, but with a chunk of the $400,000 going to keep the struggling Bristol Township homeless shelter open (Diane does also).

(And believe me, Bucks County needs another golf course like I need another cold sore.)

But at least Cawley didn’t call skateboarding “a fad” as fellow commissioner Charley (“I Have A Semi-Open Mind”) Martin did here (information from this link tells you that there are 12.5 million skateboarders around the world, and I’m sure more than a few reside here).

And here’s an example of doing skateboarding right from nearby; Diane’s already on board with this, guys, so how about you getting with it also (think ka-chiing, ka-chiing)…

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