Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Political Stuff

And now, Rudy ("I Don't Make Many Mistakes, But When I Do, They're Big Ones") Giuliani in action (God, I will never watch the Sunday morning gab fests again; Russert is almost APOLOGIZING as he fawns over this cretin - hat tips to Atrios and TPM)...

...and I just came across this from Brave New Films ("The Art Of Mental Warfare"), with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails (I don't quite agree with all of these juxtapositions, but understand that Rudy "Giggliani" is very much a part of the mix here, though he just has a lower profile relative to Dubya, Deadeye Dick, Rummy, Turd Blossom, etc. - this has very graphic war footage).


JohnW1141 said...

I've learned over the years that when you ask someone a question who's answer may be embarrassing to that person its best to disregard all but the first two sentences as the rest is bullshit. Condi Rice and Giuliani are great at giving filibustering answers to inconvenient questions. This was Rudy yesterday on Meet the Press. The questions he wasn't filibustering he was laughing out loud at, another sign of the con man.

More of a problem may be a guest on C-SPAN yesterday, Susan Page, a reporter for USA Today.
She claimed she interviewed him a few times and it appeared to me that she likes him as her comments on this show were a tad glowing, with no skepticism whatsoever, regardless of his answers to the many controversies surrounding him
She even claimed his long winded answers were his way of coming clean, or some other admirable quality.

All I saw was Giuliani pointing fingers at others, justifying his business dealings, and lying about leaving the 9/11 Commission for the speaking circuit. I also took note of his Humble personna, confessing about the times he was wrong. Susan Page obviously missed this, or is quite forgiving. The C-SPAN host asked her if his coming clean and admitting he was wrong so many times might affect his status as a candidate and Page gave a non answer.

Susan Page's performance reminded me of
Margaret Carlson telling Imus that 'journalists like making fun of Gore for slight miscues, it was fun, it was sport, and Bush misleading the public about important issues was just Bush being Bush.'

This is what the Democrats/Liberals have to contend with.

You can watch Susan Page's performance on C-SPAN's web site, click on Washington Journal

doomsy said...

I once had a modicum of respect for Margaret Carlson until about the time I found out that she had a thing for Grandpa Fred – bleaugh!

The Repugs will always be forgiven in these circumstances while the Dems will be pilloried. That has a lot to do with the reason we (blogs) exist, of course.

Thanks for the info.