Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dumbya Alert

As noted here, President Brainless is scheduled to appear in Philadelphia this Thursday at the Marriott to speak at the “Thomas Jefferson Freedom Break- fast” (the real Jefferson, no doubt, would have no time for Dubya whatsoever).

The Marriott Downtown is located at 1201 Market Street (you would be a few blocks south of the Convention Center and the Reading Terminal Market if you want to get there to protest…just a thought).

Should be a nice day, but hot, so bring lots of fluids so you don’t get dehydrated.

(And I’ve been falling down on my quota I know, so I’ll try to make up for it here: Impeach Bush/Cheney and Impeach Bush/Cheney.)

(And of course, if President 25 Percent Mandate somehow finds himself in need of porn – hard to want to imagine that, I know – he should thank Mitt Romney for that, as noted here and here.

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