Saturday, January 13, 2007

"The Decider" Is Deaf

(To say nothing of stupid...)

In response to this news item based on Dubya's latest lies today, I have only this to add: we've been telling you all along what our alternative is to your "plan," you putz!

Redeploy our forces and start bringing them home.

Redeploy our forces and start bringing them home.

I'll say it one more time for you a little slower - maybe you need to read something three times before it has a chance of sinking into your tiny particle of brain matter.


I'll even try to space the words a little differently:









Does that help?

Of course, I'm sure the troops you posed with at your photo-op yesterday would have told you something like this also if they hadn't had a gag order put upon them (nice).

Yes, I know the U.S. House is going to come up with an alternative plan based on a consensus within the Democratic Party (that will be a fractious episode, I'm sure), but guess what?

It's not their responsibility to fix this mess.

It's yours.

Tony Blair and our friends in the U.K. are drawing down their forces - Blair is an opportunist to be sure as well as you, but he's a hell of a lot smarter than you'll ever be.

And God almighty, even Hillary Clinton finally said today that enough is enough.

Redeploy our forces and start bringing them home, Dubya.

That's our alternative. Get the crap out of your head and actually try listening to what we're telling you for a change!

Update 1/14/07: And this Letter To The Editor appeared in the Inquirer yesterday...

Who says the Democrats don't have a new idea about Iraq? Have you read the proposals of former Democratic presidential contender George McGovern and Middle East scholar William Polk in their book, Out of Iraq: A Practical Plan for Withdrawal Now?

I thought not. The Inquirer, along with the rest of the media, has given it a wide berth. Nor do we hear political pundits or members of Congress discussing it. Yet it's radically different from the same old arguments that dominate public thinking about the Iraq dilemma.

The McGovern proposal is to substitute 15,000 temporary peace-keeping troops from Muslim countries for current "coalition" forces; provide a massive Marshall plan-type reconstruction effort; offer the Iraqi people compensation for damages (especially those who have been victims of torture); and more adequately fund American troops wounded physically or psychologically.

Would all this be expensive? Yes, but not nearly as expensive as the status quo.

The McGovern and Polk plan would remove all occupying troops by June 30 and close all U.S. bases in Iraq, 14 of which the Pentagon meant to be "enduring" (translation: permanent). McGovern-style compassion and restorative justice can win back quite a few friends in the Middle East, and dry up some of the anti-Americanism that pervades the region.

Gordon C. Bennett
Is that enough alternatives for you? If not, give us a few minutes and we'll come up with some more.

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