Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thursday Videos

Happy Birthday to Chi Coltrane ("Thunder and Lightning" from '73 - an early crush for your humble narrator)...

...and XTC performs "Generals and Majors" (and no, I don't know what Richard Branson is doing in this video either - kind of had this song in my head since the story today about Zinni and Abizaid...I respect both men, but I, like most of this country, are tired of the horrific status quo in Iraq, and their testimony seemed to encourage it today; also, it sounds like, according to georgia10 at The Daily Kos, that Jim "The Fixer" Baker's precious Iraq Study is telling us now to Clap Louder after it said earlier that the Iraq war is unwinnable - as a commenter said, I think we need an antiwar movement for real in this country).

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