Thursday, November 02, 2006

Michael J. Fox Backs Patrick Murphy

I realize this probably isn’t an earth-shaking development since Patrick has always supported embryonic stem cell research and Mikey hasn’t, of course, but this is an important endorsement (so now, Flush Limbore can try to beat up on Patrick also – he’d better pack a lunch along with his Viagra and OxyContin).

As the Courier Times article notes…

Fitzpatrick has supported funding for adult stem cell research but opposed funding embryonic stem cell research because he said it hasn't been proven effective and requires the “creation and destruction of human life for medical research.
I realize trying to convince Fitzpatrick that the embryos would only be destroyed anyway is an exercise in futility at this point, so I won’t bother any more.

“I have supported and voted for all stem cell research currently being used to treat humans and that stem cell research has been proven effective,” Fitzpatrick said Wednesday. “Pat Murphy has intentionally confused the facts to meet his political ends.”
Oh, I don’t think so Mikey. There has been “confusion” on this all right, but not from Patrick.

Try reading this from the White House web site, particularly these excerpts…

Adult stem cells are unspecialized, can renew themselves, and can become specialized to yield all of the cell types of the tissue from which they originate.
“Of the tissue from which they originate” is typical Bushco weasel wording. What good does THAT do if adult stem cells from a fingernail are being used to help heal or grow a pancreas, for example?

To date, adult stem cell research, which is federally-funded, has resulted in the development of a variety of therapeutic treatments for diseases.
Well, I don’t know what kind of therapeutic treatments Bushco is talking about here, but I can tell you one body part that CANNOT be helped with healing or regeneration through adult stem cells, and that’s the human heart, as noted in this story.

Mikey and Bushco have already written their sorry legacy on this subject (noted here), and all that remains is for them to discover what the voters think about this and other critical issues next Tuesday.

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