Wednesday, June 21, 2006

SCOTUS Loves That Dirty Water

And you thought we just had to worry about Dubya and the Repug Congress trying to contaminate our air and water, huh?

Well, guess who we have to worry about now on that front (the following text from this article is instructive):

Writing for the plurality, Justice Antonin Scalia said the Clean Water Act does not extend jurisdiction to channels through which water flows intermittently or channels that provide drainage for rainfall. "The [US Army Corps of Engineers'] expansive interpretation of "the waters of the United States" is ... not based on a permissible construction of the statute," Justice Scalia writes.
I think there are two things we can do in response to this.

The first is to join the Clean Water Network.

The second, based again on this article, is to pray that Justice Anthony Kennedy has a long, happy life full of well-reasoned opinions in the field of jurisprudence (which hopefully will be in the majority most of the time).

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