Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday Media Moron Number One

Today's scurrilous Glenn McCoy cartoon, dutifully republished in the Inquirer, shows a couple sitting at a dinner table with the man reading a newspaper (never the woman to McCoy's way of thinking, I guess) saying "I can't remember why we didn't vote for Al Gore in 2000" in the first panel, and in the second panel, a highly uncomplimentary caricature of Gore on television appears with him yelling, "George Bush should be impeached for spying on terrorists!," and the man reading the paper says, "Oh, now I remember."

I recognize partisan political crap when I read it, but there's a problem here beyond that, and that is that Gore never called for Bush's impeachment in his recent speech on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, though he did accuse Bush of breaking the law, which is absolutely correct.

As I've said before, it must be nice to be a conservative and a Repug apologist and not feel bound by anything that approximates fairness, truth, or reality as we know it.

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