Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Stealing The Little We Have

Read this article and this article about Treasury Secretary John Snow and then you’ll know why I trust him only slightly further than I can pee (re: this CNN story).

Keep your grubby hands off my home interest deduction, you bastard! You and Bushco have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to deserve my trust. Take your shell game somewhere else!

We’ve got to start fighting for this stuff sooner or later, people!!! After watching the Repugs drive this country right into the ground, why the hell would you trust them with something like this?

By the way, I am definitely not trying to trivialize the circumstances of Florence Thompson, the "migrant mother" in this photo, by comparing her suffering with our own present ordeal. I am only trying to remind everyone that Bushco doesn't care if you're already destitute or on the road to actually losing everything. If you aren't in with their crowd, then you're already nothing to them.

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