Monday, October 31, 2005

Yakin' Iraq (Don't Talk Back)

(with apologies to the great Leiber and Stoller and The Coasters...)

In the process of researching the myriad half truths and outright lies from Tony Snow on "Real Time With Bill Maher (update in progress)," I came across this link from the great people at Media Matters which, as thoroughly as possible, documents the misinformation that is being peddled about the Valerie Plame matter to date. I'm not sure that it will be possible to read the material from every link, but I'll try.

Also, Kevin Ferris (the Philadelphia Inquirer's Editorial Page copy editor who thinks he's a contributing columnist) wrote a screed on October 21st where he said Bush should "take a bow" for Iraq. I'm serious, and he's been getting rightly pilloried for it in the Letters To The Editor for the last few days. I can't access the column from the Inquirer's site because it's more than a week old (and a Google search uncharacteristically yielded nothing also).

Click here if you want to send the paper an Email telling them that Ferris is an idiot (if I can track down Ferris' Email address, I'll publish that also).

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