Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Outsourced American is hammering GM for laying off 25,000 workers in the next few years, and rightly so (oh please – spare me your “lean and mean” competitiveness, “work smarter not harder” rap; how are these people supposed to survive without health benefits, among other things?)…The Al Franken Show blog has information on Marla Ruzicka, a longtime aid worker in Iraq killed recently by a car bomb, as well as evidence that Alan Colmes actually has a spine and Matt Drudge is a liar…David Sirota notes that John Kerry recently released his naval records which showed commendations from officers who later smeared him…Molly Ivins has yet more scummy dirt on Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff (are we talking “bottomless pit” here, though much of the column has to do with Grover Norquist and other scumbags shilling for Dubya and extorting from Indian tribes), and Arianna Huffington gelds “bulldog” Tim Russert (“lapdog” is more apropos - "through the looking glass" MSM at its worst)…The Daily Kos reports that Katharine Harris actually will run for the Senate in FLA against Bill Nelson (God, I hope Nelson destroys her and rends her entrails into tiny, microscopic pieces), Atrios has some interesting information into some possible corruption between Boeing and the DOD/White House, and Brandoland has some nice stream-of-consciousness riffs on a commencement address by Dick Cheney (bleaugh!)…too much good stuff on the Huffington Post and The Smirking Chimp to mention here (and please sign John Conyers’ petition to Bush demanding answers related to Iraq War II and the Downing Street memo).

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