Thursday, September 05, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us of the Gropenfuhrer losing what’s left of his mind with ever-greater frequency on Truth Septic...”a monkey clashing the cymbals” – good one (and as noted here, the online platform for #45 is just another in his unending scams, which may end up going belly up before Cantaloupe Capone manages to extract what little he can from it)...

...and Tennessee Brando reminds us about Combover Caligula spilling the beans on his love of dictators, along with this madness of supposedly knowing all he needs to know on a given topic after only a five-minute discussion, and our bought-and-paid-for Beltway courtier media stays would be nice if “Maggot” Haberman and that crowd would actually PAY FREAKING ATTENTION to what #45 says when he’s “letting his hair down” like this, which they apparently don’t at the moment (I have to brush up on my “Matlock” episodes, to be honest)...

...and Robert Reich gives us another thoughtful commentary IMO on what we can do to mobilize and get out the vote for Harris/Walz and against Trump and the “Hillbilly Elegy” guy...patience and tolerance will get us further than snark and name-calling, and yes, I know I need to relearn that at times here...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brings us this item about Cornel West peddling anti-vax BS, so of course that means that he and RFK Jr. are now buds; I’ve respected West for a little while, but I always felt deep down that he was basically a huckster more than anything else, and it gives me no pleasure to see that belief confirmed...didn’t know West took $$ from Harlan Crow, which is pretty much “game, set, match” as far as yours truly is concerned...and I think West is blowing smoke on this alleged position in the (hopefully) Harris administration, and Jill Stein is the biggest non-Trump/Vance joke of them all (NSFW/H)...

...and Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats tells us about a recording blowing up on Repug U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy of Montana, running against incumbent Dem Jon Tester – just a tad racist towards native Americans and playing to a stereotype that could be applied more precisely to good ol’ boys like Sheehy (or at least like Sheehy pretends to be)...

...and what would Life In These United States be without still another pointless and utterly cruel mass shooting, and in a school of course (here)...sure would be nice if everybody screeching about trannies in the bathrooms and books offending people’s delicate sensibilities would give a damn about the fact that PEOPLE ARE STILL GETTING SLAUGHTERED FROM THESE WEAPONS OF DEATH, INCLUDING KIDS! – here’s another damn anti-gun song because I don’t know how to persuade the troglodytes who need to be dragged screaming into the cold light of day on this issue (and yeah, this too).

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