Friday, September 06, 2024

Friday Stuff

Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats brings us more evidence that Repug rank-and-file voters are getting fed up with Combover Caligula (with evidence presented by some unnamed expert I suppose on MSNBC); you can nit pick about people thinking that politics is a TV show (which it definitely isn’t completely IMO), but the headline I suppose is that those individuals are starting to see reality...well, some of them...I would argue that you can’t really draw a parallel between Our Ochre Abomination and President Carter; yes, #39 was a bit naïve I’ll admit in his governance even though I admired him, but the former Georgia peanut farmer was buffeted by one disaster after another, up to and including the Iran hostage crisis...the problems with the leader of Cult 45 are all self-inflicted...

...and as if to add to the Occupy Democrats clip, Chris Hayes brings us two former Trump supporters who reveal why they’ve dumped Cantaloupe Capone at long freaking last...I’m glad these two have seen the light, but I have to admit that I’m getting tired of hearing anybody complaining about inflation; we really don’t have it so bad versus the rest of the world on that score (and “A mattress with bed bugs,” huh? Yeah, that fits)...

...and Jesse Dollemore lets us know that Joe Scar apparently called out his fellow fourth-estate brethren on normalizing the Gropenfuhrer, albeit with kid gloves (not surprised to hear Scar mention Clinton v. Dole in ’96 since Scar was one of the most rabid Clinton haters of all time in his day – Jesse is spot-on with his outrage also IMO; even when Scar and Jeffrey Goldberg criticize Bronzer Beelzebub, they do it oh-so-politely since they’re all part of the Beltway media/political/industrial complex...please pass the sweet and sour shrimp...more here and here)...

...and under the heading of normalizing insanity from Mango Mussolini, I give you the following from "the old gray lady" earlier this week (more here)...
Gee, it never occured to me that "deportations" counted as actual housing policy...example number 6287 of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence propped up by our corporate media (h/t Atrios at Eschaton).

...and David Pakman informs us of the alleged “scandal” with Tim Walz and a dog that wasn’t his...umm, do the assclowns spreading this nonsense realize that you can pet a dog THAT ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS??!! And I’m quite sure Pakman meant to say, “Trump and Vance,” but it came out wrong...

...and this story sure has blown up all over the place; David Doel informs us that Dave Rubin, Tim Pool and Benny Johnson, among other online nutters it seems, have been caught taking big dough from Vlad The Butcher to push pro-Russia talking points...and Israel has been doing something similar, or so it seems, though that is generating a lesser amount of funny as it would be if these three knuckleheads had actually broken any laws, I should note that it appears that they didn’t, though it does look like they got utterly played...”when you’re chasing money, you don’t care” indeed...and yeah, never a problem with funding if you’re promoting wingnut talking points, but it’s a whole other matter on the other side (more here...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report takes a call from a lady in these parts who brings us the news of a City Hall protest tomorrow against a proposal by the Sixers to build an arena in Chinatown, with the hashtag of #NoStadiumInChinatown...I saw a report online that the basketball team is currently entertaining an offer from New Jersey to move; I have a two-word answer – buh-bye...completely fed up with extortion from sports team billionaires, especially given that they’ve delivered exactly ONE championship in about the last 60 years thanks mainly to Moses Malone, God rest him...

...and I thought this was freakin' hilarious - no words...

...and yesterday marked the 60th anniversary of the beginning of a three-week run of this song at #1 on the pop charts...Eric Burdon, to me, has always been this enigmatic guy who probably could have made a bigger name for himself if it weren’t for his talent for self-destruction...he’s managed to make it to 83, though, so he’s obviously doing something right.

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