Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Hopefully, the good news of the conviction of Dem U.S. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey is that it won’t pull votes away from Andy Kim this fall...Senator “gold bars” should have been gone long before now, but better late than never I guess (and I thought a good response was here)...

...and Jesse Dollemore lets us know that, to date, Combover Caligula hasn’t called the widow of the man who bravely protected his family and paid the ultimate sacrifice for it at that Butler rally...and I’m sorry (well, not really); even though I definitely understand political differences, when you get a call from the freaking President of the United States, you take that freaking call (and yes, I would have done that if somehow Dubya or Bronzer Beelzebub had reached out – it would have been difficult, but I would have remained polite because I think that’s just the decent thing to do)...

...and John and Sharon Reed of The Damage Report inform us that, apparently, Cantaloupe Capone gave a particularly bonkers interview to Time Magazine about what he would do if, God forbid, he managed to get another term in An Oval Office...and I think John means “Jade Helm”...I haven’t forgotten what I said about TYT yesterday, but I’m just being particularly careful with their clips, that’s all...

...and Marc Elias and Paige Moskowitz of Democracy Docket discuss a Repug voter purge lawsuit going down in Nevada because – wait for it! – THEY DIDN’T HAVE FREAKING STANDING!!! – but yeah, as the video makes clear, they’re doing this all over the damn country, and Our Ochre Abomination has at least two separate lawsuits going on in the “Las Vegas state,” which means that they’re, at a minimum, laying the groundwork for another “fake electors” scheme...good explanation from Elias about how the legal stuff didn’t work in the aftermath of the ’20 vote and how that led up to 1/6/21...

...but yeah, let’s just enjoy that wingnut freak show going on this week in Milwaukee, despite the potentially horrendous consequences of returning these lunatics to power...

Update 7/18/24: I would call this a good way to respond to those insurrectionist-loving assh*les.

...and happy 75th birthday to Terry “Geezer” Butler of Black Sabbath.

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