Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

David Doel tells us all about the wingnut meltdown over Easter falling on Trans Visibility Day (3/31) – good call to note all the Christians who support trans individuals, which shouldn’t need to be mentioned, but sadly it does, pointed out by Sen. Raphael Warnock...this whole business is absurd and ridiculous of course, until we get to the anti-trans bill tracker – truly awful that this is where we’re at in this country, and the bar graph shows that this hateful garbage has really ramped up over the last two years...I don’t recall any passage of sacred Scripture saying that it’s OK to demonize people we don’t like or understand...and I’m a little surprised that Doel didn’t mention this, but he covered a lot of stuff that needed to be mentioned (and when Howie Kurtz is the voice of reason as noted here, you’re definitely “through the looking glass”...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and turning to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Repug U.S. House Rep Tim Walberg basically says we should nuke everything as we did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki...and I don’t buy Walberg’s ridiculous excuse that he meant it as a metaphor, or something...doesn’t sound to me like there’s much ambiguity in what he said to that audience (here)...

...oh, and I’m sure we’ll find out any day now that the WCK had some Hamas-supporting employees, so that automatically justifies this latest criminal slaughter (#sarcasm).

Update 4/4/24: Biden should tell "Bibi" to pound sand and use air quotes when describing Israel as our "ally" for this.

...and continuing with more idiocy from the “party of Lincoln,” John of The Damage Report informs us that some goofball state senator in Minnesota, Warren Limmer, sez that we need guns available all the time and should blow off a proposed safe storage gun law because of THE KILLER COWS!!! And yes, it’s hard to believe now I know, but John is right; the NRA used to be all about gun safety...

...and Jesse Dollemore lets us know that Kristen Welker of “Meet The Press” gave us a heaping helping of “deeply divided, both sides” BS a couple of days ago in response to the Gropenfuhrer’s legal antics...nice to take the paycheck and fundamentally FAIL TO DO YOUR DAMN JOB, HUH?...

...well, for an example of someone at The Peacock Network actually providing detailed commentary and analysis on what kind of ruin Dementia J. Trump could still wreak on this country if, God forbid, he’s returned to An Oval Office this fall, Chris Hayes tells us what happened the last time Our Treasonous Orange Pustule was allowed to enact his utterly ruinous tariffs and how those costs were passed onto consumers (and would be again)...

...and yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the death of Marvin Gaye.

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