Friday, February 02, 2024

Friday Stuff

I thought Chris Hayes did a pretty thorough job here of backing up his claims on how well the economy is doing under Biden with actual of course the winguts have to kind of blow that off and start screeching about OMIGOD MIGRANT CARAVANS COMING TO DESTROY US!! instead...

...and David Pakman made similar points here, letting us know about more good financial news that Fix Noise is forced to report, including Larry Kudlow...but of course, what REALLY matters to these cretins is that his interview with Marjorie Traitor Greene is only moments away, as well as the impeachment idiocy with DHS Secretary Mayorkas...

Update: More here.

...and Farron Cousins tells us about the recent closed-door testimony (because, as Cousins correctly points out, God forbid U.S. House Repugs in particular would want to conduct business in the cold light of day) of someone named Rob Walker, who makes it abundantly clear that attacks by “the party of Lincoln” in the lower chamber on the Bidens constitute a FREAKING NOTHINGBURGER LIKE WE’VE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG!!...

...and I don’t know much about Colin Cowherd, except that he’s got his sports TV show on a lot when I’m going in and out of restaurants and food places of one type or another, but Brian Tyler Cohen brings us Cowherd’s recent commentary on OMIGOD I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT HER YET AGAIN I KNOW!!! – no chance of me becoming a “Swiftie,” but man oh man, does Cowherd nail it about Travis Kelce’s girlfriend and the NFL and the overall misogyny in sports (and 18 minutes out of a 3 ½ hour NFL broadcast is actual football as opposed to other BS? Not surprised)...

...and Jesse Dollemore discusses a recent Lincoln Project ad calling out white “Christian” nationalism, giving these crazies the treatment they truly deserve (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Beau discusses the utterly awful story of the PA guy who (allegedly) decapitated his father (nice, and in a ‘burb not far from that of your humble narrator) and made a video online, it seems, because it’s 2024 and why the hell not I suppose; Beau uses this to lead into a pretty well done IMO commentary on the border stuff...the “Hee-Haw Hezbollah” – that’s why Beau is who he is (I don’t completely understand Beau’s comment about Abbott in Texas doing what the SCOTUS is allowing, but maybe that wretched governor found some legal wiggle room somewhere)...

...and I’m really trying to be careful with videos from The Young Turks, but I thought this clip was pretty good...Ana and Cenk inform us that Maria Bartiromo recently scraped the proverbial bottom of the barrel once again, blaming DEI for the recent deaths of three of our military in Jordan...I believe they were three reservists...and of course this Texas congressman assumes Biden hasn’t responded to attacks on our military in the region (uh, no)...

...and it’s taken me a little while to get around to this recent tune, but here it is finally – hope the weather dries out where you are and you have a nice, sunny weekend.

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