Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Farron Cousins informs us that the recent Repug primary candidates’ debate for the CO-04 seat didn’t go very well for anyone really, but in particular for Bo-Bo Boebert, who came in fifth out of nine in a straw poll (and 6 of the 9 candidates have criminal records, huh? Terrific - one way to respond is to click here)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about the recent antics of Marjorie Train Wreck Greene, who gave some kind of rally speech in New Hampshire before the “victory” from Tangerine Palpatine...I have to admit that I didn’t know anything about the “Abraham Accords” (which obviously didn’t do a damn thing to prevent October 7th), and after this clip, I care even less ...and Greene is way too much of a dim bulb to realize that she alternately gives Biden credit and blames him at the same time (very mildly NSFW/H at end...more here)...

...and given the prior lunacy of the “party of Lincoln,” I think that’s a good transition into this clip from Robert Reich about the “chaos agenda,” not just for Our Treasonous Tiny-Handed Former *Preznit, but his entire stinking party (I’m detecting more urgency from Reich on this stuff, which is definitely welcome, though it’s not like he’s been a slouch or anything...far from it)...

...and continuing under the heading of U.S. House Republican idiocy, I need to present the following...I don’t know anything about reporter Jim DeFede in Flori-DUUH!, but boy, does he do yeoman work here holding congresswoman Maria Salazar’s feet to the proverbial fire on Salazar taking credit for $$ brought to her district from bills she voted against (and kudos to Brian Tyler Cohen for pointing out that USPS “cluster” where their pensions need to be funded 75 years into the future in an effort to bankrupt the postal service...yeah, exactly NO ORGANIZATION ON EARTH has to deal with a pension burden like that! – more here)...

...well, for a contrast, I’d like to offer the following, and that is Dem U. S. House Rep Dan Goldman speaking out against the impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas in this video from Daily Kos...I think this clip sums up the typical wingnut nonsense on this issue pretty well...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 1/31/18, in which Kyle Kulinski tells us about an article in The Guardian that asks “Why does it cost $32,093 to give birth in the U.S.,” and I’m sure the cost has only increased from that over the last 6 years...important to remember when you hear the wingnuts screeching about the declining white birth rate in this country...NSFW/H...

...and I thought it was great to hear that Jon Stewart is coming back to “The Daily Show,” but I have a feeling that he’ll be toned down a bit from what is displayed in the following clip...still, though, Stewart on a part-time basis and in a bit of a modified form is still a very welcome development...we’ll see (more here)...

...and six of the nine Repug candidates for the CO-04 seat have criminal records, huh? That sounds like a good excuse for this tune.

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