Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

John and Trae Crowder of The Damage Report discuss Massachusetts taxing the rich, and they’re using the revenue raised to pay for universal free school meals, updating infrastructure, and tuition-free education for community college students, among other important needs...yeah, what a shame that we can’t manage to do that across the country – if we did, the one percent would probably go kicking and screaming to their bought-and-paid-for SCOTUS about how their rights are being violated...

...and normally I wouldn’t preoccupy myself with the legalese surrounding the Gropenfuhrer, but given how perilously close we are to rulings that could benefit this treasonous criminal, I think it’s important to familiarize ourselves with the arguments that could very well decide whether or not our democracy ceases to exist; Lawrence O’Donnell fills us in (an important update is here – looks like Combover Caligula will have to try another legal “hail Mary” play)...

...and for even more absurdity from the “party of Lincoln,” Farron Cousins brings us the story of “George Santos” saying that he wants to be the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in another administration run by “diaper Don,” completely forgetting the likelihood that Santos will be in the slam before that opportunity arises, which hopefully will happen at exactly half past NO FREAKING WAY...

...and David Doel informs us that Mehdi Hasan has left MSNBC completely...I definitely agree with Doel’s opinion that Hasan dared to practice actual journalism (especially against Israel’s Mark Regev) and that’s what led to him being “on the outs”...my opinion (and I have no evidence to substantiate it of course) is that Hasan knew he was going to be under a microscope for every little thing he said and did even without his own show, and he probably felt like that wasn’t worth it (I also agree with Doel about Symone Sanders-Townsend and especially Michael Steele...part of me think that the typical corporate media audience for, say, CNN and MSNBC kind of frowns on the occasionally confrontational journalism that we need to be informed...love to be wrong about that)...

...and this video from More Perfect Union tells us more about why abortion clinics are closing, namely, that fewer private health care plans are covering the procedure, along with the fact that fewer sates are covering it through Medicaid (with Brooke Shuman, focusing on a clinic in Bristol, Virginia – abortion is still legal in VA but banned in Tennessee, which is on the border)...important to note the switch from abortions provided in hospitals vs. standalone clinics after Roe, and how the anti-abortion protests accelerated after the switch to clinics...also important to note the rise of so-called “TRAP laws,” having to do with building requirements (e.g., size of doorways), certifications for providers as well as hospital admitting privileges, all of which are totally unnecessary and irrelevant when It comes to providing abortion care...novel approach by the Knoxville, TN Planned Parenthood clinic to operate out of a mobile vehicle, though that shouldn’t be necessary of course...

...and happy 80th birthday to the incomparable Jimmy Page.

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