Monday, January 08, 2024

Monday Stuff

No, I definitely did not forget that last Saturday was the 3rd anniversary of the insurrection on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol building, encouraged by Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence (Katy Tur speaks with Capitol Police Ofc. Michael Fanone)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about Repug governor of Flori-DUUH! Ron #DeathSantis giving a smug and disgusting answer when asked about the latest school shooting in this country, in Iowa this time (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and that’s probably an appropriate segue into this item about now-former NRA head Wayne LaPierre (here)...hard to measure all of the utter ruin he has inflicted on our lives (clip with Joy Reid is a couple of years old)...

...and I’m probably overloading things a bit here with all of this “Christian nationalist” BS, and apologies for inflicting all of this, but these wackadoodles need to be called out...Chris Williamson tells us more...

...and Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss what is likely to be all of this “deep fake” AI stuff coming for the elections – I hope it isn’t a “tsunami,” but it may well be (another reason to get out front on the messaging RIGHT FREAKING NOW!, “DARK BRANDON”!!)...

...and RIP David Soul – “Starsky and Hutch” was pretty much regular viewing for yours truly way back when...I saw the movie a couple of years ago, and I guess it was a cute “homage”...and I know this is a sappy, saccharine tune, but I like it, so here it is.

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