Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Beau gives us his take on “bias,” which can take many forms, which likely led to the horrific assault on Israel by Hamas (and which played a role in the January 6th attacks, and 9/11 also as far as I’m could probably go back pretty far with Beau’s observation, likely to Vietnam also)...he also had another commentary where he said he hasn’t seen any evidence to indicate that Combover Caligula gave away any intel that enabled Hamas to launch their horrific attack – I’ll accept his point since I think he has more of an inside track than I do, but I’m only saying that #45 wouldn’t know enough to know what it was that he could have given up; combined with other intel, it could have given Russia/Hamas what they needed...and yeah, I’ll never get a conclusive answer on that either, but at a minimum, I think the possibility should be considered and examined, especially because of this...

...and Mustafa Barghouti of the Palestinian National Initiative speaks out in defense of his country (fractured as it is inside an open air prison that Israel created) on Fareed Zakaria’s CNN Emma Vigeland points out, Barghouti may not be aligned with Fatah or certainly Hamas (Fatah recognized Israel but, to hear Barghouti tell it, Netanyahu didn’t recognize Palestinian land based on a 2014 agreement, a claim which I believe), but for Barghouti to claim that Hamas only targeted military assets is a cruel, sick joke...that said, it’s impossible to ignore the context behind the Hamas attacks as well as those of Russia against Ukraine...

...and this BBC report with correspondent Nick Beale tells us about the Israeli air strikes on Gaza and tells us about the casualties/possible hostages, including Brits and Americans (updates are here)...

...returning to political stuff in this country, Kyle tells us about Ronna Romney McDaniel saying that the Dems are “pro criminal” and “pro Fentanyl” or glad to hear Kyle point out the double standard of the corporate media outrage cycle when a Dem puts his or her foot in it, but when a Repug does the same thing, cue the sound of crickets...I actually agree with what Kyle says here about 2016 vs. 2020 Trump voters; I think some of the ’16 people were well-intentioned but made an awful mistake, but the ’20 people are utterly nutzoid IMO...

...and Mike Papantonio/Farron Cousins discuss Credit Suisse bank, which – allegedly – is sheltering $$ again for individuals and entities trying to illegally escape taxation, even though C-S was caught doing this once before, which was discovered when whistle blowers came forward...I wish I could argue with what they’re saying about Eric Holder, but they have better information on him than I do and I suspect that they’re right...also mentioned is the pizza shop owner in Ohio who says he doesn’t want to hire “stupid people”...I understand how a business owner can be frustrated on that score, but no, that definitely isn’t something you should advertise...that being said, I’m not going to go nuts over this one way or the other...

...and on this day in 1968, George Harrison recorded this tune for “the white album” for his pal Eric Clapton, who apparently had a toothache (Harrison added the saxophones, to be precise)...even though “Slow Hand” has made some great legendary music, he’s pretty much persona non grata for yours truly given stuff like this.

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