Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday Stuff

David Pakman presents a clip of Sean Inanity basically interrogating RFK Jr. now that the, shall we say, lapsed Kennedy scion has declared as an independent candidate for prez which could potentially draw votes from the Gropenfuhrer...such a transparently pathetic attempt to prop up #45 and defeat the monster that has indeed been created in part by The Roger Ailes BS Factory as Pakman notes...

...and as we see here, the other talking heads from that joke of a network are laughably bad also, with Laura Ingraham saying the charges against Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence should be dropped, which is absurd for the reasons Kyle Kulinski points out...

...and when it comes to the legal machinations related to Our Ochre Abomination, Jesse Dollemore tells us the 45’s lawyers are actually arguing that he didn’t have a duty to “support” the Constitution, but only to preserve, protect and defend that most important foundational document (as if there somehow could be a difference between the two sets of terms), as part of his filing against those who argue that Trump isn’t allowed to run for prez again given that he supported an insurrection (I can’t believe this alleged strategy was concocted by people who graduated law school and passed a bar exam)...

...and believe me when I tell you that it takes A LOT for me to take Joe Scar seriously enough to include a clip from him here, but I thought this was a pretty spot-on commentary (with Mrs. Scar and Willie Geist) about not just Combover Caligula, but the whole U.S. House “leadership”...really no need for me to point out the insanity of the remarks in this clip since it should be pretty goddamned freaking obvious – oh, and the bit about “what does you-know-who have against Obama” was unintentionally hilarious...gee, I dunno – how about FREAKING RACISM!! How about everything Trump and his old man did to African Americans in their real estate businesses? How about THE CENTRAL PARK FREAKING FIVE TOO??!! I think Geist kind of tiptoes around a bit on that by mentioning the birther stuff, but that’s probably as far as he’s allowed to go.

Scar made a name for himself by doing everything he possibly could to attack the Clintons for any reason whatsoever, and in a totally propagandistic fashion (here). He helped put the “R” Party on its current abhorrent, utterly ungovernable path, so he has NO ROOM WHATSOEVER to go tut-tut over that bunch now...

...and when it comes to those with power and privilege (harking back a bit to the first clip), Robert Reich gives us a lesson on the robber barons of The Gilded Age and what it took to defeat them; we’ll need the fully marshalled forces of working men and women and families all over this country to overcome the plutocrats who want to totally rig our politics and economy in their favor at the expense of everyone else...

...and Jayar Jackson and David Shuster of The Damage Report tells us that Almost Silent Clarence Thomas haz a sad because the SCOTUS apparently won’t look at New York Times vs. Sullivan, which is a foundational court precedent having to do with press freedom; Thomas is apparently PO’ed in light of the media reporting painting him as the thoroughly compromised fraud and ideologue that he is and of course, being an entitled crybaby, he wants to get back at people and entities offending his delicate sensibilities...

...and Thom Hartmann discusses the forces trying to destroy this country...1) the corporatist monsters who, as Thom says, want this country to be something out of a Dickens story in terms of poverty and having to plead for table scraps from the billionaires; 2) the MAGA chuds who think Mango Mussolini is God, and 3) the “tankies” who think we should have an autocratic state a la Putin, Viktor Orban in Hungary, etc. (and Thom does another great job IMO in explaining how life is quantifiably better in blue states vs. red states by just about every measure, with the color terminology rising to prominence in the 2000 election, let’s not forget...and by the way, apparently Steve Scalise doesn't want to be House Speaker after all, as noted here)...

...and given today’s date, I looked for a “13” song on the calendar and found this moldy oldie – enjoy.

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