Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Mike Figueredo gives us a pretty clear-eyed commentary on what Canada plans to do if this country officially loses its mind next year in the event that it returns the Rethuglican Party to power across the federal government (and of course, we have a preview of that with the deranged, out-of-control toddlers running the U.S. House)...with professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat explaining why the entire “party of Lincoln” is a threat to democracy and not just Combover Caligula (NSFW/H)...

...and Kyle Kulinski (referencing Mike Figueredo) gives us a reminder of the utter horror show of Project 2025, if (God forbid) the wingnuts are able to put it into play (under the scenario that's definitely giving pause to our neighbors on our northern border as noted previously), which makes it all the more urgent that we do all we can to prevent that from ever happening, and as far as I’m concerned, that partly means yelling our heads off about it as well as doing some organizing of our own, helping with campaigns, writing to newspapers, and confronting people like this guy to get him on the record as to whether or not he supports it, because, if anybody does, it makes it all the more urgent that we vote them the hell out (and to do something about Bri-Fi, click here)...

Update: More here.

...and David Pakman asks How Did The Right Wing Destroy America...I think he hits on a lot of important stuff, though he can’t cover all of it of course (and yes, I realize there is a theme in these first three clips)...

...and I referenced the out-of-control toddlers running the U.S. House previously, and one of their most notorious members would be Bo-Bo Boebert, who apparently got tossed from a theater production of “Beetlejuice” in Colorado because rules against vaping, recording the program and apparently just acting like a decent, civilized person don’t apply to her, you see (to do something about Boebert, click here...and as far as Politico is concerned, Atrios...or maybe Charles Pierce?...called it "Tiger Beat on the Potomac" for a reason)...

Update 9/15/23: As usual, every accusation is a confession (here...and for this? Ewwww...gross!).

Update 9/16/23: Give it enough time, and yeah, their accusations will bite the wingnuts in the butt (here).

...and it’s been a little while I know since some corporatist POS made noise to decry “the rabble” working for a living, but not to worry...along comes Australia’s Tim Gurner to bleat that any economic problems are all the fault of those entitled millennials drinking their $4 lattes and eating avocado toast (more on “We Need To See Unemployment Rise” Gurner is here and here – Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us more)...

Update: If you can't take the heat, then don't run your mouth with stoo-pid BS in the first place (here).

...and happy 64th birthday to lead singer Morten Harket of the ‘80s pop band a-ha...yeah, I could include their hit, but I always liked this number too.

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