Friday, July 07, 2023

Friday Stuff

Thom Hartmann tells us about meeting a friend in Portugal who put forward the idea of basically an “underground railroad” for journalists in this country if, God forbid, another Repug seizes control of An Oval Office...almost too surreal to contemplate, but when basically about 30-35 percent of this country has gone Stone Freaking Nuts, we have to prepare for all kinds of eventualities we’ve never imagined...can’t think of a hell hot enough for people who willfully propagate lies for gullible idiots, which has a lot to do with bringing us to this sorry state (here)...

...and I would argue that a big reason for the rot in this country masquerading as informed discourse has to do the wingnutosphere (though our corporate media would just tut-tut over it and blame Both Sides), and their latest collective freakout apparently has to do with cocaine found in the White House (and of course the new “king of late night” is right in the middle of it, along with Marjorie Trailer Park Greene...and though we all know what Greene is, David Shuster should be careful here with even veiled implications that Greene is indulging in some kind of a substance; we have no proof, and we shouldn’t imitate the typical smears from the other side)...

...and when it comes to un-informing people, you’d have to go a looong way IMO to find a bigger example of that than what we just lived through with all of the noise out there on the COVID plague, including the “lab leak” propaganda, which is considered to be a “low confidence” theory by government medical experts...Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about it...NSFW/H...

Update 7/8/23: Lather, rinse, repeat (here)...

...and speaking of mass stupidity, Kyle Kulinksi (not him) tells us about our wretched SCOTUS, which is apparently going to rule on violent criminals having guns...gee, what ELSE could possibly go wrong with this bunch, I wonder? And why am I not surprised that this latest potential legal disaster originated from the Fifth Circuit, which would be the most wretched federal bench by default if it weren’t for our utterly horrible High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR?...

...and I would say that Watergate was a big milestone in our history which showed the power of the press to unearth the facts to topple a presidency (though I seriously wonder if it would have happened if Fix Noise had been around then, which makes me shudder a bit), but just about from that point on, news orgs had to be profit centers, which made ads, click bait and page views more important than unearthing the truth and educating people...Leeja Miller brings us a pretty comprehensive video on the original "gate" scandal here, and ties it back to all of the ruin of the beyond-wretched Trump Administration, which hopefully we won’t ever have to endure again, though it will be a fight to prevent that I know (as well as making sure any other Repug is kept out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue)...

...and I have to admit that I don’t have a “Plan B’ either...just full steam ahead with what you see here, for better or worse – take it or leave it.

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