Saturday, May 13, 2023

Saturday Stuff

When it comes to simpatico media egging on the human mistakes responsible for the Allen, TX mass shooting and this, the Lincoln Project is here to remind us that, even though “Tuckums” is no more, The Roger Ailes BS Factory is continuing to churn out their bilious garbage that feeds these cretins – if your brand is advertising of Fox, you’re indeed paying for it...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us here about right wing nut job U.S. Repug House Rep James Comer swinging and missing again, you might say, on Hunter Biden, who, last I checked, wasn’t elected to a damn thing and plays no role in government whatsoever...

...and about Marjorie Traitor Greene’s charge about Biden making her high school a gun-free zone, I would ask that you consider this...

...and Beau gives us a little insight here into a recent encounter he had with other disabled vets at a diner...I know the Dems aren’t completely innocent either when it comes to exploiting our military for political gain, but to me, it’s particularly galling and offensive that a political party that wraps itself around “supporting the troops” would cut vets’ benefits when they think the vets aren’t paying attention, which is exactly what’s going on, as Beau tells us...

...and John and Francesca of The Damage Report tell us about Warner Bros Discovery CEO David Zaslav saying the writers’ strike will end because they love the work, or whatever – of course, being comped a quarter of a bil helps as far as Zaslav is concerned...must be nice...

...and this More Perfect Union “Classroom” video tells us about Milton Friedman, the wingnut economist who (I would argue) has wrought the greatest impact on our lives particularly over the last 40 years or so...that being said, I disagree with F.D. Signifier when he says we’ve allegedly had the same president since Reagan – yeah, I know he means on the economy, but I still think that’s a pretty damn irresponsible comment...however, good for Signifier to draw the link between Freidman, The Sainted Ronnie R and the suburban racism underlying all of this “free the power of the corporations” BS concerning our economy (somewhat NSFW/H)...

...and sticking with financial stuff, this Second Thought clip tells us The Truth About Recessions...”when businesses have to choose between the needs of their workers and the needs of capitalists to generate profits, the latter always wins out in the end.”...uh, yep (and I never thought of the “planned economy” concept before, I have to admit...sounds like something worth exploring)...

...and I have to admit that I’ve tried to steer clear of anything to do with that train wreck of a “town hall” with the Gropenfuhrer because of my utter disgust with both him and the network that decided to air that atrocity, but I thought this was a particularly good response to all of that from Chris I’ve probably said in the past, I know something about the state of Vermont, which has beautiful scenery and a lot of people who are “middle of the road” politically, and I also know a thing or two about New Hampshire, which also has beautiful scenery but a lot of folks who are braying wingnuts politically, so I grudgingly have to admit that CNN picked the right venue if they wanted to fluff Our Ochre Abomination, which they certainly did...

...and here’s a newer tune to help us enjoy the weekend, hopefully – I guess “piece of the pie” is something that gives a bit of a nod to the MPU and Second Thought clips on money stuff, but I just think it rocks, so here it is.

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